learning to read, Reading (Comprehension), Reading (Phonograms), writing, Writing Support

Reference Guides Galore!

Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) on Pexels.com

I’m a sucker for a cheat sheet.

My favorite thing (during my very misspent youth, apparently) was reading the reference guides on the American Civil War, on Grammar Rules, Weights and Measurement Conversions, or on Chemistry formulas.

There’s just something satisfying about seeing everything you kinda know laid out in an easy-to-read format.

As a teacher, I had my go-to sheets for scoring rubrics, ESOL levels, and English Forms and Functions laminated and spiral bound in my lesson plan book (it was the best!)

Now, as a homeschool mom and a stay-at-home teacher (is that a thing?), I still want those reference guides to remind me of what I know and to be able to refer to. Because frankly, there is WAY too much to remember, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t do it all (I can’t even remember what I’m making for dinner half the time).

So my goal, both to help myself and to (I hope) help you, is to post all of the most useful teaching / lesson planning / subject-related reference guides that helped me as a teacher, and that I for sure will be printing out and laminating to use at home. Some will be things I learned in my master’s program. Many will be things that I actually used as a teacher. And many will be things that I learned and keep forgetting 🤪 So whether you’re the parent of a child who’s in public school or private school, or you have preschoolers, or you’re homeschooling, I hope that you’ll find something that’s useful to you to use with your kids to make life easier!

So what will be most helpful to you? What is that area of education / school that you would love to have some help with? I’d love to know how I can help you!

Side note: If you’re just reading this and haven’t figured it out, stay-at-home teacher really is a thing! Mama’ing (working at home, out of home, or a little of both) + teaching is the best thing ever – go check it out!